above all = most import!antly 무엇보다도 -퍼온 자료 입니다.
as a matter of fact = in reality, actually 사실상
as a rule = (1)generally (1)대체로 (2)customarily (2)습관적으로, 관례상
at all[부정문에서] = in any way 전혀
be about to = be almost ready to 막--하려고 하다
be better off = improve one's condition 보다 나은 상태에 있다
be in favor of = support --을 지지하다, --의 편에 서다
be mixed up = be confused 혼동되다
be out of question = be completely impossible 불가능한 이야기다
be out of something = be short of something --이 떨어지다
be tired of = be frustrated with, --에 지치다
be fed up with, be sick of
be up to someone = be someone's responsibility --의 책임이다
bite off more than one can chew = 분(능력)에 넘치는 일을 하다
take on more responsibility than one can handle
break down = fail to work, stop functioning 고장나다
break in/on = (1)enter forcibly, Interrupt 방해하다 (2)wear in and make comfortable 써서 길들이다
break the news = inform, give bad news 뉴스를 전하다
break up = (1)separate of collapse --을 부수다, --을 분리하다 (2)divide and disperse --와 헤어지다
bring about = happen 발생하다
bring up = (1)raise [a child] 양육하다 (2)introduce [a topic] 제기하다
brush up on = review, study, practice 복습하다
bump into = come across, run across, -와 우연히 마주치다[encounter]
meet unexpectedly, run into
by and large = mostly, generally 대체로
by heart = by memory, learned word for word 외워서
by no means = in no way, not at all 결코 -가 아니다
call off = cancel 취소하다
call on = visit 방문하다
calm down = relax 차분해 지다. 진정하다
care for = (1)take care of 돌보다 (2)like, feel affection for 좋아하다
catch on = (1)understand, learn 이해하다 (2)become popular 인기를 얻다
catch up [with] = go as fast as, overtake 뒤진 것을 만회하다, 따라잡다
check in/into
= (1)register[at a hotel] (1)(호텔에서)기장하다
= (2)take material[from a library] (2)(도서관에서)책을 빌리다
cheer up = become cheerful, be happy 기운을 돋궈 주다
come across = bump into, run into, find, 우연히 만나다
meet by chance, encounter
come up with = (1)think of an idea 생각해 보다 (2)produce 공급하다
cost an arm and a leg = be very expensive 매우 비싸다
count on = depend on, rely on, bank on --에 의지하다
count out = eliminate, 제외하다
no longer consider as a factor,
cut out for = have an aptitude for, be qualified for 적합하다
day in and day out = constantly, for a long time 쉬지않고, 언제나
die down = become less severe, quiet down 잠잠해지다
do over = do again , repeat 다시 하다
do without = not have something --없이 지내다
dream up = invent, think of, come up with --을 문득 생각해내다
drop in [on] = visit informally 잠깐 들르다
drop off = (1)fall asleep 꾸벅꾸벅 졸다 (2)take to a certain location 태워주다
(3)decrease; fall off 내려주다
drop out [of] = stop attending[classes] 탈퇴하다
ease off [on] = (1)let something annoying get better (1)좋아지다
(2)put less pressure on (2)(긴장 등을)풀어주다
eat in = eat at home 집에서 식사하다
eat out = eat in restaurant 외식하다
eat up = consume completely --을 먹어 치우다
end up = result in, conclude by, finish as --로 끝나다
end of the road = the end, the end of a process 끝
every other[one] = every second[one], alternate[ones] 하나 걸러
예) every other week(2주일에 한번)
fall behind = not move as quickly as, lag behind 늦어지다, 뒤떨어지다
feel like = be inclined to, want to --하고 싶다
figure out = (1)understand 이해하다 (2)solve 해결하다
fill in = (1) write in a blank [on an application form] (1)빈 칸을 채우다[complete]
(2)inform,clue in (2)알려주다
fill in for = substitute for --을 대신하다
fill out = complete [an application form] 빈 칸을 채우다
find out = (1)learn 배우다 (2)discover 발견하다
fix up = repair, amend, renovate 고치다
follow in one's footsteps = do what someone else did(특히 parents) 답습하다
for a change = for something different 기분 전환으로
for good = forever; permanently 영원히
for the time being = for the present time; temporarily; for now 현재로선; 당분간
get along with = have good relations with -와 잘 지내다.
get in / get on = enter[a vehicle] [차량 등을] 타다
(get in은 승용차에 get on은 승용차 이외의 운송수단에 쓰이다.
get out of / get off = leave [a vehicle] [차에서] 내리다.
(get out of는 승용차에, get off는 승용차 이외의 운송수단에 쓰인다.)
get over = recover from [a disease] 회복하다.
get rid of = discard, no longer have 제거하다.
give away = distribute for free [선물로서] --을 주다, 공짜로 주다.
give a hand to = applaud 찬사를 보내다, 지지하다.
go on [with] = continue 계속하다.
go up = rise [price] 오르다.
go with = (1) accompany 동행하다 (2) look good together, complement 잘 어울리다.
go without saying = be clear, be obvious 말할 필요도 없다.
grow up = mature, become an adult 성숙해지다, 어른이 되다.
hand in = (1) give back to, return 돌려주다. (2) submit 제출하다.
hand out = distribute, pass out 나눠주다.
hang on = hold on, wait ; stay on the telephone [전화할 때] 기다리다
hang up = stop talking on the telephone [전화를] 끊다
hear from = be contacted by, be in touch with --에게서 소식을 듣다.
hear of = know about, be familiar with --에 대해 듣다 [알다].
hit it off = become friendly(특히 at the first meeting) 친해지다.
hold on = wait 기다리다.
hold on [to] = garsp --을 잡다.
hold still = don't move 움직이지 않다, 멈추다.
hold up = delay, postpone, prolong, put off 지연시키다.
in the dark = (1) not knowing 모르는 (2) in secrecy 비밀의
in hot water = in trouble 곤란에 처한
in the long run = after a long period of time 결국에는
= in the end, in the final result
in no time = very soon, very quickly, rapidly 바로, 즉시
iron out = solve problem, work out --을 해결하다
jump to conclusion 성급히 결정하다
= form opinions wuthout sufficient evidence
= decide too quickly without thinking or knowing the fact
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